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Hang tabs manufacture in Vietnam

Hang tabs are small adhesive tabs or hooks that are used to display or hang products on retail shelves or displays. They are commonly used in the packaging industry to create an easy and efficient way to display products in a retail environment.

Hang tabs are typically made of a clear or translucent plastic material that is designed to be attached to the product packaging. They are available in various shapes and sizes, such as round, square, or custom shapes, to fit different products.

Hang tabs can be either permanent or removable. Permanent hang tabs are designed to stay attached to the product packaging for the life of the product, while removable hang tabs can be easily removed without damaging the packaging.

Hang tabs are commonly used for products such as snack bags, candy bags, small hardware items, and other small packaged goods. They provide an easy and efficient way to display products in a retail environment and can help increase sales by making products more visible and accessible to customers.

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